Learn Core Java

JAVA is high level programming language create by Jame'e Gosling in "Sun MicroSystem" Since 1991 by name Oak that rename Java in 1995. Java is Pure Object Oriented Programming Language. Actually java is not like all programming language that execute in such system that they compiled | interpret.

syntax : basic structure

-   basic staturcture
-   java.lang default package

package packagename;

import java.lang.*;

class ClassName
    public static void main(String args[])
        System.out.println(" welcome in Java basic structure code ");        
 welcome in Java basic structure code

Download JDK by Oracle

you are diractly download JDK by **ORACLE** offical website that is https://www.oracle.com/in/java/technologies/downloads/

JDK(Java Developement Kit)

it is group of kit for developement the java program & testing.

Execute Java Code

Primary compile the java "source_code" that return bytecode that bytecode same as inside classname mean number of class equal to return number of bytecode

javac source_file_name.java

Secondary interpret the java "btye_Code" that execute in **JRE** by **JVM**.

javac bytecode_name

For explore structure of bytecode use java disassembler

javap bytecode_name

JRE (Java Runtime Environment)

it is the environment that time java is execute the bytecode and give output.

JVM (Java Virtual Machine)

Java Feature ❱