PHP Basic
PHP (Hypertext Preprocessor) is a popular server-side scripting language for web development. It is widely used for creating dynamic web pages and web applications.
Features of PHP
- Simple and easy to learn.
- Open-source and free.
- Platform-independent.
- Supports various databases.
- Extensive community support.
Embedding PHP Code in Web Pages
PHP code can be embedded directly into HTML files to create dynamic web pages. PHP scripts are enclosed within special tags, typically for the closing tag. Here's an example of embedding PHP code to display the current date and time:
<html> <head> <title> how to embed php </title> </head> <body> <?php # add php in any where in .html either .php echo " welcome in PHP "; ?> </body> </html>
Statement in PHP
we have to method to print statement in phpt once echo other is print but main difference to each other print return 1 after write and echo return null secondary difference is echo faster than print.
<?php echo "i am faster and void return <br>"; print "i am return 1 after print"; ?>
i am return 1 after print
Variable & Tokens
PHP code consists of various tokens, including keywords, identifiers, constants, strings, and operators. These tokens are the building blocks of PHP scripts.
Variables in PHP are used to store data. They start with a dollar sign ($) followed by an identifier. PHP variables are case-sensitive.
PHP Scope
- Local scope: Variables declared within a function.
- Global scope: Variables declared outside functions.
- Static scope: Variables within a function that retain their values between function calls.
<?php $n1 = 1; $n2 = 2; echo "sum of ${$n1} and ${n2} is ${$n1+$n2}"; ?>
In PHP, data types specify the type of data that can be stored in a variable. PHP supports several data types, each designed for handling specific types of information. Here are some of the most common data types in PHP:
<?php $number_data = 1; $float_data = 0.5; $boolean_data = true; $char_data = '@'; $string_data = " write line in side "; $void_data = null; echo "number {$number_data} float {$float_data} boolean {boolean_data} charactor {$char_data} string {$string_data} null {$void_data} "; ?>
In PHP, a constant is a alu that cannot be changed once it is defined during a script's execution. Constatnt are typically used to store values that remain the same throughout the script and have specific, predefined purpose. we have to two way to define constant
- const it is keyword that we are use write before variable
- define it is function that inside we are pass constant variable and value
<?php define("PI",3.14159); const $user = "MayankDevil"; echo "pi value is ".PI." name ".$user; ?>
calculater program using arithemetic operator
and switch statement
<?php # calculator.php : enter default number and calculate $n1 = 4; $n2 = 2; $n = 0; $choice = 3; switch ($choice) { case 1 : $n = $n1 + $n2; break; case 2 : $n = $n1 - $n2; break; case 3 : $n = $n1 * $n2; break; case 4 : $n = $n1 / $n2; break; case 5 : $n = $n1 % $n2; break; default : $n = "enter choice between [1 to 5]"; } echo (" output : ".$n); ?>
find even else odd between 100 number using for loop
and if else statement
<?php # find odd or even number between 0 to 100 number $n = 100; for ($i = 1; $i < $n; $i++) { if ($i % 2 == 0) { echo ("<div< number ".$i." is even </div<"); } else { echo ("<div< number ".$i." is odd </div<"); } } ?>
number 2 is even
number 3 is odd
number 100 is even
factorial find program using dowhile loop
and assignment operator
<?php # factorial.php : $n = 3; $f = 1; $i = 1; do { $f = $i * $f; $i++ } while($i <= $n); echo ("factorial of ".$n." is ".$f); ?>
find number is prime or not using while loop
and if statement
<?php # primeNumber.php : fnd the number is prime or not $n = 11; $is_prime = true; $i = 2; while ($i < $n) { if ($n % $i == 0) $is_prime = false; $i++; } if ($is_prime) echo(" prime "); else echo(" not prime "); ?>
A function is a block of code that perfoms a specific task or set of tasks.Functions are a fundamental part of PHP programming and help you organize your code, make it more modular, and enable you to reuse code segments.
Simple Function
<?php # functions.php : function is set of code inside the named block function destoryWorld() { echo ("<div> welcome reuse the code </div>"); } destoryWorld(); destoryWorld(); ?>
welcome resuse the code
Parameter Function
<?php # the function take argument at call time that called parameterfunction function hello($name) { echo ("<div> welcome ".$name."</div>"); } hello("Mayank"); hello("PHPuser"); ?>
welcome PHPuser
Return Funtion
<?php # a function that use return keyword to return value are called returnfunction function plus($n1, $n2) { return ($n1 + $n2); } echo(" sum of number function return ".plus(1,3)); echo(" sum of number function return ".plus(5,3)); ?>
sum of number function return 8
Arrow Function
In php array is list of element.The keys of the indexed array are integers that start at 0. Typically, you use indexed arrays when you want to access the elements by their positions.
<?php # array list of element $set = [9,2,11,400,20]; # call by index echo " index1 ".$set[1]."<br>"; echo " index0 ".$set[0]."<br>"; echo " index4 ".$set[4]."<br>"; ?>
index0 9
index4 20
Indexed Array
<?php $cartoon = array("ironman","spiderman","batman","superman"); foreach ($cartoon as $element) { echo "".$element."<br>"; } ?>
The Associative
<?php $globe = [ 'Japan' => 'Tokyo', 'France' => 'Paris', 'Germany' => 'Berlin' ]; foreach ($globe as $country => $capital) { echo "".$country." = ".$capital."<br>"; } ?>
France = Paris
Germany = Berlin
The MultiDimensional
<?php $tasks = [ ['Learn PHP programming', 2], ['Practice PHP', 2], ['Work', 8], ['Do exercise', 1], ]; foreach ($tasks as $task) { foreach ($task as $task_detail) { echo "".$task_detail."<br>"; } } ?>
Practice PHP
Do exercise
Array sort()
or array_reverse()
<?php # sort() inbuild function to short array # print_r() print all array $numbers = [9,2,11,400,20]; print_r(sort($numbers)); echo "<br>"; print_r(array_reverse($numbers)) ?>
[0] => 2
[1] => 9
[2] => 11
[3] => 20
[4] => 400
[0] => 400
[1] => 20
[2] => 11
[3] => 9
[4] => 2
Array function { current()
<?php $a = Array(2,5,4,3,1); echo "<div> current() element ".current($a)."</div>"; next($a); next($a); echo "<div> after next() element ".current($a)."</div>"; prev($a); echo "<div> after prev() ious element ".current($a)."</div>"; echo "<div> end() element ".end($a)."</div>"; ?>
after next() element 4
after pre() ious element 5
end() element 1
Two array_combine()
and array_slice()
<?php $a = Array(1,2,4); $b = Array(5,6); $c = array_combine($a,$b); foreach($c as $element) echo $element; echo "<br>"; $d = array_slice($c,2); foreach($d as $element) echo $element; ?>
A string in PHP is a sequence of characters,like words or sentences. You can work with string to store and manipulate text, PHP offers various functions to perform tasks like finding text, changing text, and measuring the length of strings.Strings are a fundamental part of web development for things like displaying messages, processing forms, and working with data.
Declare string in PHP or find strlen()
<?php $s = "Welcome PHP"; echo strlen($s); echo strtoupper($s); echo strtolower($s); ?>
How to string str_replace()
<?php $s = "Welcome PHP"; echo str_replace("PHP","Mayank",$s); echo substr($s,3,4); echo trim($s); ?>
Find strpos()
and how to strrev()
and str_repeat()
<?php $s = "Welcome PHP"; echo strpos($s,"come"); echo strrev($s); echo str_repeat($s,3); ?>
Math in PHP involves performing numberical calculations. You can use PHP for tasks like arithemetic functional and more. PHP provides functions for comman math operations, making it used for financial calulations, data processing, and much more in web development.
<?php echo round(0.5)."<br>"; echo ceil(3.5)."<br>"; echo floor(3.5)."<br>"; echo abs(0.5)."<br>"; echo pow(2,3)."<br>"; echo sqrt(16)."<br>"; echo max(1,4,6)."<br>"; echo min(1,3,2)."<br>"; echo rand(1,10)."<br>"; echo log(16,2)."<br>"; echo pi()."<br>"; ?>
A PHP session is a temporay storage for data that can be used across multiple pages on a website to remember user information.
function session_start()
and session_destroy()
<?php session_start(); if (isset($_REQUEST['reset'])) { session_reset(); } if (isset($_REQUEST['destory'])) { session_destroy(); session_start(); } if (isset($_REQUEST['username'])) { $_SESSION['username'] = $_REQUEST['username']; } $username = isset($_SESSION['username'])? $_SESSION['username'] : 'MasterMayank'; ?> <html lang="en"> <head> <title> MayankDevil </title> </head> <body> <h1> Welcome, <?php echo $username; ?>! </h1> <form action="<?php $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] ?>" method="post"> <div> <label for="username"> Enter Username = </label> <input type="text" name="username" id="username"> </div> <div> <input type="submit" name="submit" value="Submit"> <input type="submit" name="reset" value="Reset"> <input type="submit" value="destory" id="destory"> </div> </form> </body> </html>

Form handling is gather and process user input by url. Every form data is fetch with url of web browser and php form handling work on it. PHP use supe vairable like { $_GET[] , $_POST[] , $_REQUEST[] } to fetch user input data on url by the help of name value.
Get Form field data using $_REQUEST[]
and $_SERVER[]
<html lang="en"> <title>get form values</title> </head> <body> <form action="<?php $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] ?>" > <div> <label for="username"> Enter Username : </label> <input type="text" name="username" id="username"> </div> <div> <label for="number"> Enter Number : </label> <input type="tel" name="number" id="number"> </div> <div> <label for="mail"> Enter Email-Id : </label> <input type="email" name="email" id="mail"> </div> <div> <label for="password"> Enter Password : </label> <input type="password" name="password" id="password"> </div> <div> <input type="submit" value="Login" name="submit"> </div> </form> <?php if (isset($_REQUEST['submit'])) { echo "<div>".$_REQUEST['username']."</div>"; echo "<div>".$_REQUEST['number']."</div>"; echo "<div>".$_REQUEST['email']."</div>"; echo "<div>".$_REQUEST['password']."</div>"; } ?> </body> </html>

Get Form checkbox data
<html lang="en"> <head> <title>get form values</title> </head> <body> <form action="<?php $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']?>"> <label for=""> <input type="checkbox" name="color[]" value="red"> red </label> <label for=""> <input type="checkbox" name="color[]" value="yellow"> yellow </label> <label for=""> <input type="checkbox" name="color[]" value="green"> green </label> <label for=""> <input type="checkbox" name="color[]" value="blue"> blue </label> <div> <input type="submit" value="Login" name="submit"> </div> </form> <?php if (isset($_REQUEST['submit'])) { $name = $_GET['color']; foreach ($name as $color) { echo "<div>".$color."</div>"; } } ?> </body> </html>

Database Connection
PHP is widely famous script to connect database because it connection web to database is much simple to all
- Establise Connection
- Execute Query
- Close Connection
PHP Database mysqli_connect() mysqli_connect_errno() mysqli_connect_error()
<?php $connection = mysqli_connect("localhosts","root","","vip"); /* mysqli_connect() : function return connection true take arguments :- 1 : hostname {x} 2 : username {x} 3 : password 4 : database */ if ($connection) { echo (" connection successfully "); } else { die (mysqli_connect_errno()." connection error : ".mysqli_connect_error()); } ?>
How to execute mysqli_query()
or require()
<?php require('connection.php'); /* mysqli_query(); : function return response of mysqli take arguments :- 1 : connection {x} 2 : query {x} */ $query = "insert into onam values(2)"; $result = mysqli_query($connection,$query); ?>
PHP Connection include()
and mysqli_close()
<?php include('connection.php'); /* mysqli_close : function return ture false of connection cut take argument :- 1 : connection {x} */ if (mysqli_close($connection)) { echo (" connection closed "); } ?>
File Handling
PHP file handling is the process of working with files in PHP, it involes operations like opening, reading, writing, appeneding and closing files.
File Handling in PHP to create write append close
<?php // Open a file for writing (creates a new file if it doen't exist or truncates an existing file) $file = fopen("example.txt","w"); if ($file) { // Write some content to the file fwrite($file,"if you are like follow me on ");" fclose($file); // Close the file $file = fopen("example.txt","a"); // Open the file for appending if ($file) { // Append more content to the file fwrite($file,""); fclose($file); // Close the file // Open the file for reading $file = fopen("example.txt","r"); if ($file) { while (!feof($file)) { echo fgets($file); // Read and display the content of the file } } fclose($file); // Close the file } else { echo "Failed to open the file for reading."; } } else { echo "Failed to open the file for writing."; } ?> ?>

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